astrologer, life coach & business consultant

Men Behaving Badly

Men Badly 4 Famous

The 8th House of the birth chart rules the “death and rebirth” of ourselves as individuals. It is in this House where we keep all things hidden, our sexuality as well as our desire for power and control. If we are open to the process of discovering who we are at the deepest levels, we can improve and transform ourselves.

However, if our personal desires cause us to manipulate others to get what we want; or if we have a dominating nature and use coercion to get our way – we may decide to root out such behavior and make a change for the better.

It’s also possible that if our behavior has been improper, it may be exposed by others, thus forcing us to change it. This transit is often the undoing of abusers, deceivers, hypocrites and adulterers. The lessons of Saturn can be harsh as these people found out…

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