astrologer, life coach & business consultant

Secrets of a Concentration Camp Survivor and An Unfaithful Husband

Geo Orwell

You may be a prisoner of your own mind and not know it.

But imagine that a powerful force comes into your life to free you of behavior that originated in your unconscious mind, where psychic activity takes place that you’re not even aware of.

Like a bolt out of the blue, you experience flashes of insight into the very emotions that may have burdened you in the past such as fear: “I’m afraid when I meet someone new they won’t like me,” or guilt: “I’m noticing how I manipulate to get my way,” or anger: “I see how my impatience causes me to react angrily.”

This can be an exciting time when you have the potential to be psychologically and spiritually free.This exhilarating feeling of liberation occurred fora very special client of mine whose fear was that if she told the truth, she would be punished.

More … The Huffington Post

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