astrologer, life coach & business consultant

Donna Cunningham’s Blog…Excerpts the Book: “What the Hell Is Going On in My Life?”

Man Boulder

Saturn Transiting the 6th: Tests and Lessons at Work

©2013 by guest blogger, Larry Schwimmer

 The following is an excerpt from “What the Hell Is Going On in My Life?” – Using Your Birthdate to Find Answers About Relationships, Career, Money, Sex & Health. The author, Larry Schwimmer, is an experienced businessman as well as an astrologer, and he has also written three books of practical career advice. In his astrology writing, including his regular column at Huffington Post, he excels at conveying astrological information in simple, accessible language. One great technique he uses throughout the book is showing the reader how to create what he calls an “astro action plan.”

SKY WRITER – Donna Cunningham’s Blog

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