astrologer, life coach & business consultant

Personal Consultation

Personal Consultation + Astro Calendar

Astro CalendarYou will have a live, 60-minute teleconference to discuss your Horoscope and the major events (i.e., Transits) that will be happening in your life this year, and the best dates for you to make important decisions throughout specific areas of your life over the next 12 months.

You will also receive an “Astro Calendar,” which features a month-by-month description of the major events happening in your life and the exact dates they will occur. It’s an excellent source document to consult throughout the year as events take shape and you want a fresh recollection of my predictions for your life and the best dates for your important decisions.

Price: $199 USD
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What is an Astro Calendar?

It is a personalized Calendar that will discuss all the major Astrological events that are occurring in your life over the next 12 months.

Customized and based on your individual chart, the Calendar is a month-by-month description of the major events that will occur in your life.  It will include the best dates to plan all your important events for success, and will identify dates when you may experiences problems to prepare for.

  • Why take a vacation at the worst time?
  • Why switch jobs or make investments when you are likely to lose?
  • Why try to meet a great guy/gal for romance at a time when you are likely to be disappointed?
  • Why do anything when you are likely to be frustrated or fail?

Instead of guessing or hoping for “good results,” make your plans during your luckiest and most fortunate days of the year!  These are the dates when you are likely to have positive results and happy experiences.You can make the most of opportunities that will come your way.  And, you will better understand those times during the year where challenges, crises and problems may occur. Each month, before you make your plans, you can consult your Astro Calendar to help insure that 2015 is a great year for you!

What are the benefits?

Imagine having a Calendar that “at a glance” can show you the best days of the year to:

  • Make an Investment
  • Meet a great guy/gal for romance
  • Find or leave a job
  • Buy a home
  • Pick the perfect day for marriage
  • Best day to divorce
  • Know the best day to take a great vacation
  • And any other important decisions you need to make